I was in dilemma, when I started to write this blog. Because the content that am going to narrate here is a well known fact. But still, a recent incident has urged me post this blog.
How many of us have cursed the Tamil Nadu or Indian government for inconsistent power supply. We blame political parties, politicians and even God at times for lack of rain which has a direct influence in power production. But we fail to think that there is only few that can be done by the government and we as a citizen of this country need to take responsibility and do some possible deed.
There is a simple step that you can contribute to nature in two ways, one by consuming less energy and another by polluting the environment less.
Its nothing but replacing incandescent bulbs with CFL bulbs. How this will help us ???.
A CFL consumes 25% less energy when compared to an incandescent bulb. This saves electricity by 70%. An incandescent bulb glowing for 1 hr consumes 60 watts, whereas a CFL glowing for 1 hour consumes 10 watts only. You will get the same glow from both these bulbs. We save 50 Watts of energy per hour, if we do a simple change. This is how we consume less energy.
"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry". ~Thomas Fuller,Gnomologia. Same is the case for power we waste most of the time without knowing its value.
On the other side of the story, If we light an incandescent lamp for one hour it produces 5 kg of co2, which is an endanger for the environment. This is equal to riding a bike for 8 km. So the first immediate step we need to do is to change all the incandescent bulb with CFL wherever we could. So that you can contribute something valuable to the environment and to the nation by saving a decent amount of electricity.
You may have lot of questions that, who is buying incandescent these days and where will be these kind of bulbs found now a days. Yes, we have many people around who are unaware of it. The reason why am writing this here is, one of my well educated friend has recently bought a incandescent bulb to our home. That's the time I have decided to post this blog and create awareness about the same. You can find these kind of bulbs in rural areas mostly than the urban. It is not uncommon to find these kind of bulb in rural areas.
If we change every such Bulb in our state(Tamil Nadu), we can get an extra 15 mins of power for each day in our state. We can do this instead blaming our government or politicians. If we could make it happen and if we do the same in all states of our country, we could save a lot of power and that can be used for many other industrialization purposes.
I thought of this blog a long time back and drafted this, But I need to be a "Doer before a Sayer". It took a months time for me to change all incandescent lamps wherever I could (In my home, My Grandma's home, Our current rented home in Chennai). Totally 5 is what I have changed so far. Even its a little am happy that I have contributed something to the environment and did a good deed as a citizen to my country.
Little progress together makes a brighter and greener future. I want my friends to do and Share the same.
Lets create a better future together.....
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